The principal aim of the Induction Training for the newly appointed Civil Judges Class II is to build a strong foundation for grooming them as good Judges. The object of training is not to teach but to inculcate an attitude as to how to apply the law as an engine of Social Justice. The central point of focus of the Induction Training, therefore, is on inculcating or nurturing the values of Judicial Ethics (Qualities), Attitude and sensitization to social issues, development of judicial skills and enhancement of knowledge of procedural and substantive laws in relation to timely and qualitative adjudication.

            Accordingly, the Induction Training Programme has four necessary themes i.e. (i) Qualities (Ethics), (ii) Attitude, (iii) Skills and (iv) Knowledge:

Details of the themes:

          (i) Qualities (Ethics) constitute the Principles of Judicial Conduct i.e. Independence, Impartiality, Integrity, propriety, Equality, Competence, Diligence, Punctuality, transparency; judicial accountability, responsiveness, adherence to Civil Services (Conduct) Rules.

          (ii) Attitude regarding Role of Court under the Constitution and adherence to the Constitutional Vision of Justice; sensitivity to human problems, courtesy to litigants, witnesses, court staff, Bar, other stakeholders and respect towards weaker sections including minorities, women, SC/ST, children, aged, disabled, poor; attitude of protection of victims, fearlessness and courage to embrace consequences of right decisions, constant learning; respect for rule of law; simple life style, responsiveness and commitment to enhancing of access to justice and legal awareness, sensitivity towards environmental protection, timeliness, efficiency; efficacy.

           (iii) Skills of judging – Reasoning; Logic; Analysis, Appreciation of evidence; Appreciation of Law including precedents and interpretation of statutes; correct and exact identification of the principle (s) of law on the basis of which each case is to be decided with a view to achieve the goal of timely and qualitative justice. Identification of scope of use of ADR under Section 89 or Plea Bargaining; planning and management for timely justice; decision making; judgment writing and communication; ensuring effective implementation of judicial orders. Court craft, using judicial decision making and legal services authority for Social Reform – Judge as a catalyst of social change. Skills of Management of Court, Case, Time, Stress, human resources, relationship with Bar, executive agencies, ministerial staff; other stakeholders. Skills of Administration ensuring access to justice; maintaining court statistics and data; use of IT, administrative ability; leadership; social and attitudinal transformation; public speaking.

          (iv) Knowledge regarding the provisions of the Constitution, Administrative Law, Procedural as well as Substantive Laws; both Civil and Criminal including law relating to Land Reforms, Social Reforms and Marginal Sections of Society i.e. Juveniles, SC.ST, Women, Forensic Science and Medical Jurisprudence, Cyber Law, Law relating to Environmental Protection including water, air, forests, wildlife etc.

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